Contact details
Poland, 60-318 POZNAŃ, ul. Władysława Węgorka 20
phone no: +48 61 864 9000, fax: +48 61 867 63 01
“Protection of cultivated plants with the consideration of food safety and reduction of yield losses
and threats to the health of humans, animals and the environment”
Multi-annual Programme of the Institute of Plant Protection – NRI “Protection of cultivated plants with the consideration of food safety and reduction of yield losses and threats to the health of humans, animals and the environment” for years 2016–2020, adopted on the basis of Resolution No 225/2015 of the Council of Ministers of 15 December 2015, is a continuation of Programme “Protection of cultivated plants with the consideration of food safety and reduction of yield losses and threats to the health of humans, animals and the environment” adopted on the basis of Resolution No 161/2011 of the Council of Ministers of 16 August 2011, changed by Resolution 155/2018 of 16 October 2018, and implemented by the Institute in years 2011–2015.
The main goal of the Programme is the protection of cultivated plants with the consideration of food safety and reduction of yield losses and threats to the health of humans, animals and the environment. The goal shall be achieved by the implementation of the tasks covered in the Programme to the benefit of the public administration, in particular of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection, as well as agricultural advisers and producers. The Programme covers the following detailed goals:
The above-mentioned goals constitute the responsibilities of our country based on the regulations of the law of the European Union. The whole Programme shall be a practical form of support for the Polish agriculture in the scope of plant protection. The recipients of the results of the research conducted within the Programme are the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection, other agendas of state administration and local governments, both central and regional ones, as well as units of agricultural advisory and agricultural producers. All publications resulting from the Programme shall have practical nature and be spread on the website of the Institute for the benefit of agricultural practices, in popular science publications, brochures and leaflets, reviewed publications and during trainings, workshops, courses and specific conferences.
The Programme of IPP – NRI is consistent with the most strategic documents: Europe 2020, Strategy to the benefit of intelligent and well-balanced development encouraging social involvement, Strategy of Country Development 2020, Strategy of well-balanced development of rural areas, agriculture and fishing for years 2012–2020, and the National Plan of Action to reduce the risks of using the plant protection products.
The Programme is implemented in two theme areas:
1. Integrated plant protection and reduction of the threats associated with the usage of plant protection products to humans, animals and the environment
In this area, the Institute conducts eleven tasks. They promote and spread the rules of integrated protection and cover the requirements of the agriculture within the Programme of Development of Rural Areas for years 2014–2020 (PROW 2014–2020). Pursuant to the rules of integrated plant protection, the decisions regarding the plant protection treatment should be made with the consideration of the real risks to crops created by harmful organisms, determined on the basis of monitoring of their occurrence, and with the consideration of the levels of their economic harmfulness. Simultaneously, non-chemical methods of reducing their occurrence should be applied first, such as: appropriate crop rotation, cultivation of pest-resistant species, appropriate irrigation and fertilization. Full implementation of the methods of integrated plant protection to common usage requires a great deal of work, in terms of both, education and dissemination, and giving farmers access to proper tools, such as methodologies and programmes of protection of particular crops, signalling manuals, as well as rules of monitoring the occurrence of pests in order to make optimal decisions as to the type and time-line of plant protection treatment. The growing area of many crops, development of new pests, new technologies of cultivation and the influence of climate change have made the existent protection programmes obsolete, and they require a new approach which should consider integrated protection methods aiming at the reduction of the usage of chemical plant protection products. They have to consider first of all:
The first group of tasks within this specific area covers all of the above-mentioned requirements. The other group concerns the activities focusing on the implementation of responsibilities in the scope of supervision of sales and application of the plant protection products. They require the conduct of laboratory quality analyses of these products as well as their residues in the agricultural crops and in water. In order to assess the risk associated with the usage of plant protection products and with planning the activities aimed at its reduction, it is necessary to collect detailed data in this area. Therefore, within the Programme and to the benefit of monitoring, the following tasks shall be implemented:
2. Protective measures against the introduction and spread of quarantine-restricted organisms and other harmful organisms presenting a threat to the territory of the Republic of Poland
In this area, the Institute has three tasks. The research conducted within these tasks aims at the maintenance of phytosanitary safety in Poland.
Poland, 60-318 POZNAŃ, ul. Władysława Węgorka 20
phone no: +48 61 864 9000, fax: +48 61 867 63 01